Saturday, September 22, 2012

Tomato Powder

Here's a little info about tomato powder.  If you've never heard of tomato powder before - think of it as a bouillon, like beef or chicken.  You can add it to your soups/stews or make straight tomato paste or sauce for your recipes.  One thing that drives me crazy is when a recipe calls for say "1 tablespoon" of paste so of course I have to open a can that's much larger than I need and the rest usually ends up going to waste.  You can buy tomato powder online, but man is it expensive and you usually have to buy a GINORMOUS case of it, but the good news is you can make your own for pennies.  Here's our vid about making and using tomato powder.

Repurposing: Cookbook Hanger

Hi Folks, I didn't do much around the house/farm today due to taking my son to a medical appointment out of town.  I did get a very pleasant surprise though when our friend/neighbor arrived bearing pizza for supper - A-W-E-S-O-M-E !! 

It's a small offering, but here is my tip o' the day:  In the spirit of re-purposing items - it's a COOKBOOK HOLDER.