Sunday, October 14, 2012

Buy In Bulk & Vacuum Seal It!

Poster drawing of a Rosie The Riveter character flexing her right bicep with the words "Buy in Bulk! We Can Do It!"

One of the ways I save money is by purchasing certain dry food items in bulk and then repackaging them with a vacuum sealer and vacuum sealer bags.  You could use zipper seal bags, but they aren't going to be as effective in the long run since they do let air/moisture in over time.  (Yes, even if you suck all the air out with a straw.) In my video, I happen to be repackaging rice, but there are a lot of foods that can be stored this way such as beans, flour, sugar, salt, oats and barley, just to name a few.  There are also foods that don't store very well for long periods.  These would be food items that have oil/butter/fat in them whether occurring naturally or as an additive.  Some  examples of this would be nuts, powdered cheese or pizza dough mix.  You can still buy them in bulk, but unless you're going to finish it all within 6-8 months, don't bother with it as after that, it can and will eventually go rancid.  Blech!

If you're going to vacuum seal powdery substances like flour, it would behoove you to first put the flour, etc.. in a brown paper lunch bag, then into the vacuum bag to be sealed.  The benefits of using a lunch bag are: #1. It keeps the flour from being sucked into your vacuum sealer and ruining your machine; #2. Using a paper bag helps keep a uniformed shape to your finished package which makes it easier to stack/store in your panty; #3. Paper bags also block light from your food which helps it to last even longer. 

With that being said:  I give you my next video.

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